Friday, June 25, 2010
First Day At School
Monday was my son's first day at school and it was me who was all jittery and nervous wreck literally. Although he has attended playgroup but the environment of proper school is very different right from the campus to number of students and behavior of teachers. He had to leave at 8:40 AM. I woke up at 6:30 and made bed tea for me and my hubby. And all through the process, I was continuously looking at the clock, ticking its way to 7. One part of me was actually feeling like hanging with the hand of the clock and pulling it downwards so that the time could just freeze. As soon as the clock struck 7, I took over the daunting task of waking my son up. They look so innocent and beautiful when they sleep. That's why it seems so harsh to wake them up and that too so early (otherwise he wakes up at 8:30 or 9). Fortunately, he is not as fussy as I was as a child. So he just rambled in the bed for a while and then opened his tiny eyes and gave me the world's best smile. You can imagine how my heart would have melted then. It was time to freshen up now. The benefit of having a supportive hubby is that you can transfer some of the responsibility to his shoulders even without thinking twice. And I take full advantage of that ;-). So I handed over the task of brushing, bathing to him and went to the kitchen. Within half an hour, kitchen was sorted; hubby's and my son's lunches were ready and so was the breakfast. May be it was the anxiety that somehow pushed the over-speed button. I went into the room, put on his uniform and shoes, made his hair ... but oh! A major part is still left. I don't know about others, but my son takes about an hour just to finish his breakfast and you have to continuously pester him to do that. And there I was, running behind him, bribing him and performing all sorts of tactics so that he could finish his breakfast before the bus started honking the horn right below my building. Since it was the first day, I didn't want to send him with the bus driver alone as this could make him really panicky. So I immediately got dressed and went to the main gate for the bus to pick us up. The driver was nice enough to agree to take me along and drop me back. So there I was, in my son's bus psychologically preparing him that he was going to school and mom would pick him up after a while. He was looking at me trying to make sense of what I was saying and by the way he was holding my hand, so tightly and firmly, I could tell that he had an inkling of the things to come. As soon as the bus stopped, he had this little fearful expression in his eyes that I didn't want to see. But he had to do it. I want to be with him when he conquers his fears and takes the major steps of his life, for now it is just going to school. He was alright, not crying but the moment I left him at the door of his class and waved bye, he started sobbing looking into my eyes as if saying, "Mom don't leave me." The teacher stopped me from going inside and asked me to leave. And there I was standing at the gate putting up a brave face and shouting to my child, "Mom is here only.. I will be right here for you... Just play around.. Have fun.." I waited patiently at the school gates for his classes to get over so that I could see him, see how he was taking it. I had all sorts of thoughts pouncing on me like "what if he is still crying? what if his teacher got angry because of his crying and scolded him or hitted him (it is quite common in India although the trends seem to be changing for better these days)". He came out and was all playful :) I was so happy and relieved to see him like that. For a while he ignored me, maybe he was angry with me for leaving him there. But he couldn't do it for longer :). We reached home and he was again leaping in my arms. He is getting better with every passing day. Now he feels very happy when I make him sit in his school bus. I just hope that he keeps on treading every path in his life easily, keeps on taking the challenges head on and keeps coming out as a a better person adorning happiness and success. Labels: first day at school, new school |
posted by Jaanvi at 11:33 AM

Don't worry too much...time will let him adapt well to his new school.
My son is attending back his nursery class next week. I m not nervous too, But wat to do...he still has to go to school too.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. He is getting adjusted well now... your son will too... :)
Looks like he's adjusting vy well to sch. Yeah, sometimes it's us parents who r more nervous/excited abt our child's firsts than the child himself/herself. :D
It is quite normal to feel jittery - both moms and kids. I have been through this twice and each time the butterflies in the tummy were no less :). All kids adjust, though some might take longer. All the best to your son.
Hi Jaanvi, I guess your son apprehensive as you are his warmth, security, love, and he is now going into uncharted waters, in his mind. As well another woman looking after him.
But not to worry, he'll be fine...and one day, you'll be sending him to a University.
Have fun, kids grow fast....and you'll soon be getting excited stories from him about school and teacher.
Best regards, Lee.
He is adapting very well. Good job and wish he love schooling.
Yes, I think the anxiousness is more when it is your first child because everything is first for you.
Thanks. I think he is getting used to the drill now and will soon be hip hopping his way to school.. :)
@Uncle Lee
It really feels good to imagine how I will sending him off to university... yes time flies..
Me too... I really hope that he enjoys it and his school also turns out the way I thought it would be.
Glad you made it through the first day of school mommy. You were probably not as nervous on your own first day of school. Hehe. For me, I felt that time went by so slowly on their first day. I couldn't wait for them to come home to tell me how it went. There I was so excited and they come home like it was no big deal.
:) your feelings echo mine when I first sent my son to nursery.
Glad he is doing well now. Mummy doing ok also?
@ Lian
ya right.. :) I remember my first day and I was not at all that nervous..
Thanks Ann. Yes mommy is also doing well and slowly the anxiety is also taking a backseat.. :)
Jaanvi, well done to you.
I think it is not an easy thing for us learning to let go.
Of course, a big applause for your son.